Friday 21 October 2016


On the 20th of October all teachers were visiting two lessons again and learnt much about the Solvakian culture again. First and third graders of the bilingual branch of this commercial college hold presentations about Slovakia, typical Slovak food, the most important sights and famous people from their country. In the meanwhile our students hat to prepare presentations about the SWOT analysis of the chosen training company at the international fair. After a short coffee break we had the opportunity to discuss with a Slovak entrepreneur. Mr. Tomas Bel runs a trading company in Kosice with more than 300 employees and he was talking about his experiences in setting up a business. Afterwards we were watching the film "The Call of the Entrepreneur" in the auditorium. In the afternoom we all had free time and went sightseeing and shopping in the city center. The Slovakian students arranged a student's activity in the evening. All teams from the partner schools met at a bowling center. After bowling all students went to a karaoke bar: Music is the most international language! This was fun for our students but also a little bit sad, because of the fact that our ERASMUS+ meeting will come to an and soon.

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